Healthcoaching - and why you need it

Hi, and thanks for stopping by. It's great to see that you've taken an interest in your own health and wellbeing. That's what everyone needs to do and you've taken the first step, so congratulations.

There are all sorts of reasons you might be here, and you're probably wondering what on earth IS a health coach anyway? Why would I even want to see one? So let me give you a very quick run down on the practice of health coaching and the difference I will make to your life when you start working with me.

1) Health coaching is NOT a replacement for any kind of allopathic or therapeutic health professional.

I work in tandem with your doctor, your chiropractor, physio, even your personal trainer if you see one. Nutritionists and dieticians are in the same boat. I do much more than just nutrition - so I cover everything a nutritionist does and take over where they would normally leave off (giving you a list of foods to eat, and foods to avoid, and perhaps a calorie-controlled plan tailored to your height and weight).

I may request to know the results of doctors' tests, but will NOT tell you straight out to go off any medication, your doctor will simply sign you off when your health issues have come back under control because of the work you're doing throughout the rest of your life. Sound good so far? I thought so ;)

My mission is to practice with a belief in the system of complementary medicine, never to the detriment of any one field. If you break your leg or have found a tumour you best believe you need a doctor's office and/or hospital, but you can certainly work with me at the same time as you're dealing with the medical system and yes, of course I think you should!

2) As your health coach I help you address imbalances wherever they appear in your life, and however they show up

I advise you on food, exercise and nutrition, and have insights into more than 100 different dietary theories and the world's leading experts in this area. I also incorporate various aspects of life coaching and counselling techniques, however, and put my own slant on these practices - so it's working on four key aspects of your life at the same time as talking about eating more greens: career, relationship, spirituality and finances.

Got a problem or a goal to do with any of those four areas (hint: we all do) - then I just might be able to help you work your way through it, provide you with useful resources and the accountability needed to make a change and make it stick, or fine tune some aspect of your life that's holding you back.

3) One session is simply not enough

It's really that simple. What we will be doing together involves assessing your whole life situation, setting and outlining goals and achieving them, removing obstacles that have stopped you from being the bright shining light you're meant to be.

Let's be honest about this, achieving better health is not actually the real goal. Ask yourself why do you want to be healthy? What will it really mean for you? Will it allow you to take that trip around the world and sail the Carribean for six months straight? Move to Africa to save the Rhino? Improve the lives of those born without privilege? Invent the next Facebook, iPhone or planet-saving device? Isn't it time you were free to do those things and didn't have to worry about whether you'll be able to cope? That's what our work together will enable you to do, so it takes a little time and energy. We go from the very specific right up to the big picture and it's all about you being your delightful self and spreading what you have to give around the world. I want to see you do that, and I want to see you do it unhindered and full of zest and enthusiasm.

The program I run is done over a six month period. During the six months we meet 12 times, so every two weeks, either in person or over the phone/Skype. We discuss, monitor and track your progress and there are a few little bits I throw in along the way that are a surprise until then.

COST: The program charge is $100 per month, $600 in total. Half is paid at the commencement of your program, and the remainder by the commencement of session 7. I take payment via paypal or if necessary bank transfer from Australian banks.

So, are you ready to book me yet? Great! e-mail me: or call me on 0417 555 613 and we can get started.

Want to know more, or still not sure you're ready to commit? Sign up for a FREE health history consultation and I will give you 45 minutes of my time for free, to let you know whether I can help with your specific issue/s, and answer any detailed questions or doubts about the program. Send an e-mail to the address above and just put "Health History Request" in the subject.

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